E-ship CrashCourse

Curious about starting your own business?
Take the first step and learn the basics about entrepreneurship and starting a business. Our one-hour program helps introduce concepts to budding entrepreneurs of all backgrounds and with businesses of all kinds. Sessions are offered the third Thursday of each month from 1–2 pm and held at the Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub (123 S. Burrowes Street, State College, PA 16801) on the mezzanine level.
Upcoming Sessions:
  • Thursday, April 17 (1–2 pm)
  • Thursday, May 15 (1–2 pm)

If you have ever considered...

  • Starting your own business
  • Being your own boss
  • Taking your hobby to the next level
  • Getting paid for your solution to a common challenge

This one-hour session will help you consider if this path might be for you.

Each session will cover...

  • The basics of “What is entrepreneurship”
  • Common myths about entrepreneurship
  • Actionable steps to build your own startup
  • Information about the other no-cost programs and resources offered through the LaunchBox

Interesting in checking out one of these sessions?